The Railway Men is a Hindi Drama Web Series. Shiv Rawail directed the film, while Aayush Gupta and Jaideep Sahni had written the film. The Series is produced by Zohaib Ali and Syed Zaid Ali under the Yash Raj Banners. The Music of the Series is Composed by Sam Slater. Starring Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, and Divyendu Sharma in the lead role. Now the Series is set to be released in OTT.
IMDb Rating & Review
Series Story Synopsis
A toxic gas escaped from an American pesticide plant in the central Indian city of Bhopal which killed thousands of people. The protagonists of “The Railway Men” are workers at the Bhopal railway station who saved thousands of lives.
Series Updates & Release Date
The Film will be released on Mid- 2023 only OTT Platform. Watch the film on the original Platform. if anyone misses the film. then I can’t help you all Sorry For That This is Just a Blog About Movie Update And Release dates. For more updates keep following our site.
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Movie | The Railway Men |
Director | Shiv Rawail |
Story | Aayush Gupta and Jaideep Sahni |
Music | Sam Slater |
Stars | R Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, and Divyendu Sharma |
Production | YRF Production |
Language | Hindi Movie |
OTT Platform | TBA |
OTT Release | Mid-2023 |
Box-Office | TBA |
Theatrical Release Date | NA |
Genre | Drama-Thriller Film |