Super Sketch is a Telugu investigative suspense thriller film, The film was released on 29 June 2018. Ravi Chavali has directed as well as written the film. Balaram Makkala and Padmanabha Reddy have produced the film. The music score is composed by Karthik Kodakandla. The film is based on the concept of mind games. Narsingh, Indra, Sameer Datta, Sophia, and Gary Tony in the lead roles in the film. Now the Super Sketch movie is set to be dubbed in Hindi.
Movie Rating
Super Sketch Movie is declared blockbuster at the box-office. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Super Sketch is an Investigative suspense thriller. It is a story about Cop and Culprits. The IMDb rating of Super Sketch is 7.6/10.
Movie Dubbing Updates
Super Sketch’s Hindi dubbing was sold to Aditya Movies. The Movie has been dubbed by the Name Policewala No1. The super sketch movie is dubbed in hindi. Now the dubbing has been completed 100%, And the censor certification is also completed. Everything is sorted out, Now The movie is ready to be telecast on television. So, Nou may get the television and YouTube premiere of the movie soon on Star Gold/Set Maxx. And after the television premiere, the movie will be uploaded on Aditya Movies YouTube channel, where you can watch or download the full movie online for free.
About Movie Update
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Movie cast
- Narsing as Nayak
- Indrasena as Vashikaran
- Sameer Datta as Tony
- Shubhangi Pant as Pragna
- Gary Tony as Steven
- Sophiya as Stella
- Karthik Reddy as Saketh
- Chakra Maganti as Kamaraju
- Anika Rao as Nayak’s girlfriend
- Sohel as Ashrith
- Muktevi Prakasa Rao as Lawyer
Movie Plot
Nayak (Narsing Makkala) is a sincere police officer. Vashikaran (Indrasena), Tony (Sameer Datta), Saketh (Karthik Reddy) and Kamaraju (Chakri Maganti) are best friends. Pragna (Shubhangi Pant), her boyfriend Ashrith (Syed Sohel Ryan)) and Stella (Sophiya Singh) are also the common friends to them. Vasi, Tony, Saketh and Kamudu enjoy the girls together and spoil their lives without evidence. Vashikaran is a novel writer and he write crime stories. Unexpectedly Pragna died in road accident. The case of Pragna’s death was handled by a circle Inspector Mr. Nayak. Nayak strongly suspects that four are the accused who are the best friends to Pragna. He in further investigation clarifies and arrests them. One of the Victim’s Father is a prominent politician will be able to handle the court case and manages to discard the case against them. Process of continuous investigation Nayak found Stella’s dead body in the city outskirts. Stella (Sophyia Singh) is a social worker.
Oh My Kadavule Hindi Dubbed Full Movie
Movie: | Super Sketch |
Language | Telugu Movie dubbed in hindi |
Cast: | Narsingh, Indra, Sameer Datta, Sophia, and Gary Tony |
Director | Ravi Chavali |
Music: | Karthik Kodakandla |
Genre | Investigative suspense thriller film |