Pushpaka Vimanam is a Telugu Comedy-Thriller Film. Damodara has directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Govardhan Rao Devarakonda, Pradeep Errabelli. The Music of the film is composed by Amit Dasani, Ram Miriyala, Mark K. Robin, and Sidharth Sadasivuni. Starring Anand Deverakonda, and Saanve Megghana in the lead roles. Now the film is all set to be released in Theater.
Movie Rating
Pushpaka Vimanam is a Telugu Comedy-Thriller Film. Starring Anand Deverakonda. The film is all set to be released in the theater on 12 November 2021 Later the film will be released on the OTT Platform of Aha In Telugu Version. Pushpaka Vimanam explores the happenings in middle-class families. Follow our site for more Updates. IMDb Page.
About Movie Update
The movie will be released on 12 November 2021 in Theater later in the Aha OTT Platform. So don’t waste time, Go and Watch the film. if anyone misses the film. then I can’t help you all.
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Movie Cast
- Anand Deverakonda
- Ajay
- Bhadram
- Harsha Chemudu
- Vajja Venkata Giridhar
- Kireeti
- Harshavardhan
- V.K. Naresh
- Geeth Saini
- Saranya
- Shaking Seshu
- Sudharshan
- Suneel
- Meena Vasu
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Hanu-Man Hindi Dubbed Full Movie
Movie | Pushpaka Vimanam |
Language | Telugu Movie |
Cast: | Anand Deverakonda, and Saanve Megghana |
Director | Damodara |
Music: | Amit Dasani, Ram Miriyala, Mark K. Robin, and Sidharth Sadasivuni |
Genre | Comedy-Thriller Film |