About Film
Oh My Dog is a Tamil Mystery-Drama Film. Sarov Shanmugam has directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Suriya, Jyotika under their 2D Entertainment banner. The Music of the film is composed by Nivas K Prasanna. Starring Arun Vijay and his son Arnav Vijay in lead roles. Vijay Kumar, Mahima Nambiar, and Vinay Rai in Supporting roles. The film is scheduled for release in December 2021 only on the Amazon Prime Video OTT Platform.
Movie Rating
Oh My Dog is a Tamil Mystery-Drama Film. Starring Arun Vijay. The Release of the film was scheduled for May 2021 for theater release but due to the pandemic Condition of The COVID-19, the Release of the film has been postponed. Now the movie is scheduled to be released in December 2021. Follow our site for more Updates.
About Movie Update
The movie will be released in December 2021 only on the Amazon Prime Video OTT Platform. So don’t waste time, Go and Watch the film. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel Movies World, where we will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
Movie Cast
- Arun Vijay
- Arnav Vijay
- Vijay Kumar
- Mahima Nambiar
- Vinay Rai
Movie | Oh My Dog |
Language | Tamil Language |
Cast: | Arun Vijay |
Director | Sarov Shanmugam |
Music: | Nivas K Prasanna |
Genre | Drama Film |