About Film
Magamuni is a Tamil Crime-thriller Drama Film. Santhakumar has directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green Banner. The music of the film is composed by S. Thaman. Starring Arya in dual roles along with Indhuja Ravichandran and Mahima Nambiar. Kaali Venkat, Rohini, Jayaprakash, Ilavarasu, and Aruldoss play supporting roles. Now the film is all set to be released in Hindi dubbed as Mahamuni.
Movie Rating
The film was released theatrically on 6 September 2019. On the opening weekend, Magamuni collected ₹100 lakh (US$140,000) at the Chennai box office. Two long-separated brothers end up in life-threatening situations. How do their lives intersect and what happens next? The IMDb Rating of Magamuni is 7.8/10.
Movie Dubbing Updates
The dubbing rights of the film were sold to our loving dubbing company Goldmines Telefilms. Now we have great news for south Indian movie lovers. The dubbing of the film is completed 100% and the censor certification is also completed. The Hindi dubbed version title is kept as Mahamuni.
And the film is now all set to release on 12 Feb 8 pm only on Sony Maxx TV channel. The Promo of the film is being played on Sony Maxx. The movie will be uploaded the same day at 11 Pm on the Goldmines Telefilms youtube channel. For More Updates on The movie, You can follow our site.
About Movie Update
The movie will be Premiered on 12 Feb only on Sony Maxx. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel South Movie King I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
Movie Cast
- Arya as Magadevan and Muniraj
- Indhuja Ravichandran as Viji
- Mahima Nambiar as Deepa
- Kaali Venkat as Dr. Raghu
- Rohini as Muni’s mother
- Jayaprakash as Jayaraman
- Ilavarasu as Muthuraj
- Aruldoss as Guru Narayanan
- Madhan Kumar as Aadhi Narayanan
- Bala Singh as Politician
- G. M. Sundar as Corrupt Police Officer
- Krishnamurthy as Surya Narayanan
- Deepa Shankar as Gomathy, Muthuraj’s wife
- Yogi as Gopal, Muthuraj’s assistant
- Supergood Subramani as Therumunai Thirumurthy
- Sembaruthi Sanjay as Deepa’s brother
- Nakkalites Chella
- Thangamani Prabhu
The Movie Will be Available Here Soon
Forensic Hindi Dubbed Full Movie
Movie: | Magamuni as Mahamuni |
Language: | Tamil movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Arya, Indhuja Ravichandran and Mahima Nambiar |
Director: | Santhakumar |
Music: | S. Thaman |
Genre: | Crime-thriller Drama Film |