Fatafati is a Bengali Drama film. Aritra Mukherjee directed while Samragnee Bandyopadhyay and Zinia Sen Wrote the film. Shiboprosad Mukherjee & Nandita Roy Poduced the film under the Windows Production Banner. Amit Chatterjee, Anindya Chattopadhyay, and Chamok Hasan Composed the Music for the film. Starring Abir Chatterjee, Ritabhari Chakraborty, and Soma Chakraborty in the lead role. Now the film is set to be released in theaters.
IMDb Rating & Review
Aritra Mukherjee’s Fatafati has a decent grip on the perils of both fatphobia and skinny-worshipping but manages to distill its size positivity from becoming unrelenting. It’s a clever approach too because the film’s message weaves in ideas of body neutrality; instead of telling women how they should feel about their bodies, the film basically says they are much more than their bodily flaws or beauties. The IMDb rating is 9.5/10.
Movie Story Synopsis
Phullora Bhaduri, a tailor from the suburbs with a gifted sense of designing, is ridiculed for being on the heavier side. Can she become a fashion influencer despite the odds?
Movie Updates & Release Date
The Film will be released on 12 May 2023 only in Theaters. Later the movie will be premiered in OTT. Watch the film on the original Platform. if anyone misses the film. then I can’t help you all Sorry For That This is Just a Blog About Movie Update And Release dates. For more updates keep following our site.
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Movie Cast
- Abir Chatterjee
- Soma Banerjee
- Ritabhari Chakraborty
- Soma Chakraborty.
- Loknath Dey
- Swastika Dutta
- Debosree Ganguly
- Ashmee Ghosh
- Malay Ghosh
- Arijita Mukhopadhyay
- Raktim Samanta
- Sanghasree Sinha
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Movie | Fatafati |
Director | Aritra Mukherjee |
Story | Samragnee Bandyopadhyay and Zinia Sen |
Music | Amit Chatterjee, Anindya Chattopadhyay, and Chamok Hasan |
Stars | Abir Chatterjee, Ritabhari Chakraborty, and Soma Chakraborty |
Production | Windows Production Banner |
Language | Bengali Movie |
OTT Platform | TBA |
OTT Release | TBA |
Box-Office | TBA |
Theatrical Release Date | 12 May 2023 |
Genre | Drama Film |