Draupathi is a Tamil rural-drama Film. Mohan G has directed the film as well as Produced the film. Richard Rishi and Sheela Rajkumar in the lead roles in the film, with a supporting cast including Karunas and Nishanth. Jubin has composed the music of the film. Manoj Narayan has done the cinematography. Draupathi movie has been leaked by the Tamilrockers.
Movie Rating
Draupathi Movie is hit in the box office till now. The film was released on 28 Feb 2020. Draupathi is a Rural-Drama film. The plot is based on the subject, that all those who get into inter caste love marriage with a girl of the higher caste, is for their money. Bad cinematography, bad morals, and bad execution. Meanwhile, Draupathi has got 6.1/10 in IMDb Rating.
Movie Leaked News
The movie is doing well in box-office. Another movie that became prey to Tamilrockers. on the day of the movie release, the movie was leaked on the website. Nowadays each and every movie suffers due to this website owner. The movie was released on 28 Feb 2020. Within 2 hours the movie was leaked by Tamilrockers. The movie is leaked on that website in HD print. The government has stopped this website. But Still, No use As many are using VPN, in order to access the site. They destroy the privacy of the makers. I don’t understand how they manage to get the movie within 2 hours.
About Movie Update
Dear Friends, Since I am not allowed to give links to the movie. I am very much to disappoint you. But I can help you out with the problem. Join our telegram channel I will provide everything there. The Movie is ready in our telegram group in both Telugu and Hindi language. If you want the movie then you can join the group our Poke me in WhatsApp. I will try to help you.
Movie cast
- Richard Rishi as Rudra Prabhakaran
- Sheela Rajkumar as Draupathi
- Karunas
- Nishanth
- Soundarya
- Lena
- Seshu
- Aaru Bala
- Jeeva Ravi
- Gopinath
- Subramani
Movie Plot
A man sent to jail on the charge of killing his wife in the name of honor killing comes out on bail and starts killing some people. Who are the people who are killing him and what does he have to do with his wife’s oath?
Movie Review
Draupadi begins with Rudra Prabhakaran, a Silambam teacher from a village who murdered his own wife and her sister in the name of Honor Killing. The action cuts to six months later when Prabhakar comes out of jail on bail. He moves to Chennai, where he begins to be known as a tea seller, observing activities at a registrar’s office. Soon, we see him tracking down two men and killing them. Undercover police are tasked with investigating these murders. Meanwhile, a freelance journalist who is making a short film on Prabhakar and his wife Draupathi does something wrong in the murders. What is Prabhakaran?
The performances for Sheela Rajkumar, are not coerced. Richard barely brings out the anger that must be inside Prabhakaran; The remaining performances, too, are surgical. And things get long-winded after a point, especially after the film turns into a courtroom drama.