Bro Daddy is a Malayalam Comedy-Drama Film. Prithviraj Sukumaran has directed the film, while Sreejith N. and Bibin Maliekal have written the film. The film is produced by Antony Perumbavoor under his Aashirvad Cinemas banner. The Music of The film is composed by Deepak Dev. Starring Mohanlal and Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead roles with Meena, Kalyani Priyadarshan, Unni Mukundan, Lalu Alex, Kaniha, Jagadish, Soubin Shahir and Mallika Sukumaran in supporting roles. Now the film is all set to be streamed on Disney+Hotstar.
Movie Rating
Bro Daddy is a Malayalam Comedy-Drama Film. Starring Mohanlal and Prithviraj Sukumaran. The plot revolves around the life of a family man. Unexpected events happen in their house. The brother and father decide to take on the challenges. The film will be released on 26 January 2022 only on Disney+Hotstar. The IMDb Page.
About Movie Update
The movie will be released on 26 January 2022. So don’t waste time, Go and Watch the film. if anyone misses the film. then I can’t help you all Sorry For That This is Just a Blog About Movie Update And Release dates.
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Movie Cast
- Mohanlal as John Kattadi
- Prithviraj Sukumaran as Eesho John Kattadi
- Meena as Annamma
- Kalyani Priyadarshan as Anna
- Unni Mukundan as Cyril
- Lalu Alex as Kurian Maliekkal
- Kaniha as Elsy Kurian
- Jagadish as Dr. Samuel
- Soubin Shahir as Happy Pinto
- Mallika Sukumaran as Ammachi
- Nikhila Vimal
- Kavya Shetty
- Jaffar Idukki as Fr. Edward Kulathakkal
- Charle
- Sijoy Varghese
- Antony Perumbavoor as S.I. Antony Joseph (cameo appearance)
- Sukumaran (photo presence)
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Movie: | Bro Daddy |
Language: | Malayalam Movie |
Cast: | Mohanlal and Prithviraj Sukumaran |
Director: | Prithviraj Sukumaran |
Music: | Deepak Dev |
Genre: | Comedy-Drama Film |